- Emp bean具有下列属性 The Emp bean has the following properties
- 聚集索引不适用于具有下列属性的列 Clustered indexes are not a good choice for the following attributes
- 属性 attribute
- 下列 following
- 如果在多个合并发布中发布项目,那么对于所有发布中的项目,下列属性必须具有相同值 If an article is published in more than one merge publication, the following properties must have the same value for the article across all publications
- 文件属性 file attributes
- 元素中指定的任何配置设置,但下列属性除外 Element of the Machine. Config file are disregarded, except for the following attributes
- 会话Beanl实体Bean entity bean
- 至此,您应该可以测试会话Bean模块了。 At this point, you should be able to test the Session Bean methods.
- 下列的 following
- 他天生具有发明才能。 He is endowed with an inventive mind.
- 使光标准备就绪以将新的表单bean节点放到FFS上 Primes the cursor ready to drop a new form bean node onto the FFS
- 文本属性 text attribute
- 作为命名服务器,那么您很可能将bean直接发布到 As your name server, then you will likely have published your bean directly to
- 他是具有高尚美德的人。 He is a man of sublime virtue.
- 对象属性 object properties
- 请查收所开出的下列汇票: Enclosed please find draft draw as follow:
- 下列各项 following
- 属性值 attribute value
- Team Foundation源代码管理具有下列命名语法、约定和限制 Team Foundation source control has the following naming syntax, conventions, and limitations